In our previous posts, we examined what Colorectal cancer entails, its signs and symptoms, risk factors, types, stages of presentation and even the processes involved in diagnosis. Today, we go further on our discussion on Colorectal cancer as we look into the treatment options available and even strategies that can be employed to prevent the incidence of the disease.
Colorectal cancer has a good number of treatment options, but the options explored are influenced by varying factors such as: Patient’s health condition, location and size of cancerous mass, the stage of cancer at diagnosis, cancer recurrence, etc.
Treatment modalities for colorectal cancer include:
- Surgery: For cancer polyps still in the early stages, that have not spread to the wall of the bowels, the surgeon is able to excise the polyps through surgery, this prevents spread to lymph nodes and other nearby sites. In cases, where cancer has spread into the walls of the colon and rectum, the affected part may need to be resected with associating lymph nodes. The bowels are then sewn together and a colostomy bag is inserted for temporary removal of waste via the abdominal wall. In cases of late stage presentation, surgery cannot stop cancer cells that are widely spread, but symptoms patients present with can be alleviated.
- Chemotherapy: This entails the use of medications to kill cancer cells. In the case of colorectal cancer, chemotherapy often comes after surgery in cases where cancer has spread to lymph nodes and other sites. This helps to kill cancer cells wherever they may be in the body and prevent possible recurrence. Chemotherapy sometimes comes before surgery to help shrink large cancerous masses and make the procedure easier. It is also sometimes combined with radiotherapy.
- Radiotherapy:This is also known as Radiation therapy. It uses high energy radiation beams like the X-ray to destroy cancer growths. This helps in reducing the size of tumor growths to make surgical removal much easier.
- Targeted drug Therapy:This is for people with late stage colon cancer. It entails the use of drugs that target specific proteins within the cancer cells to slow or prevent their growth and consequentially kill cancer cells. It is often combined with chemotherapy.
- Immunotherapy:This treatment modality involves the use of drugs to boost the body’s immunity to fight disease causing cancer cells. Sometimes, cancer cells present as though they are normal body cells, hence the body’s immune system does not attack them, immunotherapy helps the body system recognize cancer cells as foreign and harmful hence induce attack on the cancer cells.
- Support:This involves all biological, psychological and social support given to a patient through the course of treatment. This support comes from the surgeons, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists, family, friends and loved ones.
The knowledge of the modifiable risk factors for colorectal cancer incidence helps with developing proficient and practicable strategies to prevent the disease. Some of them include:
- Eat more fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.
- Reduce red meat consumption.
- Avoid processed meat products e.g. hot dogs.
- Decrease saturated fat consumption, replace with healthy fats like fish and olive oils.
- Engage in regular exercise to keep weight in check and avoid obesity.
- Stop smoking
- Cut down on alcohol use.
- Reduce sugar consumption to prevent diabetes.
- For age 50 and above, get colonoscopy screening.
Colorectal cancer can be very well avoided with more awareness about the disease, regular screening and integration of prevention tips into our everyday lifestyle. Even when an individual is found to have colorectal cancer, seeking prompt medical attention goes a long way in improving outcome of treatment administered by medical professionals,