
You Feel Well, but is all really well?

Hi. I am a 52 year old married man, I am a wholesale dealer in all sorts of paints with stores at Ikeja, Mushin and other environs. The nature of my work is one that requires me to be here and there and frankly speaking, I barely fall ill, much less have any reason to go to the hospital. Not until, July 2012 when I took ill, I took some time off to get some rest with the hope I would get better afterwards, but that wasn’t the case, as my health conditions further worsened. Continue reading “You Feel Well, but is all really well?”

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You Can Survive Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a chestnut shaped gland located between the rectum and the throat of the bladder. It straddles the urethra with two lobes that reach around both sides of it. Muscle tissue in the lobes allows you to regulate the flow of urine and to stop it if necessary. The gland produces seminal fluid, the viscous fluid that carries semen during orgasm. Continue reading “You Can Survive Prostate Cancer”

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Burst The Myths About The Causes Of Breast Cancer

Breast malignant growth starts when cells in the Breast develop crazy and structure a tumor. Having learning identified with the primary driver of the condition is simply the main way one can keep from turning into its injured individual. In spite of the fact that because of absence of information of the ailment, there are various legends have effectively had the spot in the individuals’ psyche. Continue reading “Burst The Myths About The Causes Of Breast Cancer”

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Back Flank Pain? See the Doctor, it could be the Kidney.

Cancer specialists don’t have the foggiest idea about the exact reason for RCC, the most widely recognized type of kidney cancer, however there are a few risk factors. Doctors realize that kidney cancer starts when some kidney cells get mutations in their DNA. The mutations cause the cells to develop and separate quickly. The amassing strange cells structure a tumor that can stretch out past the kidney. A few cells can sever and spread (metastasize) to inaccessible parts of the body. It’s most regularly found in men between the ages of 50 and 70 however can be analyzed in anybody.

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Why Liver Cancer?

Liver cancer happens when liver cells create changes (mutations) in their DNA. A cell’s DNA is the material that gives instructions to each chemical procedure in your body. DNA mutations cause changes in these instructions. One outcome is that cells may start to develop crazy and in the end structure a tumor — a mass of cancerous cells.

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What Is Hepatocellular cancer (HCC)?

Hepatocellular cancer is a cancer that starts in your liver. The cells of cause are accepted to be the hepatic stem cells, in spite of the fact that this remains the subject of investigation. Tumors progress with nearby expansion, intrahepatic spread, and distant metastases. It’s unique in relation to “secondary” liver cancers, which have spread to the liver from different organs. HCC is the highest broadly recognized sort of essential liver cancer. It occurs most regularly in individuals with chronic liver diseases, such as cirrhosis caused by hepatitis B or hepatitis C contamination.

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