Hi. I am a 52 year old married man, I am a wholesale dealer in all sorts of paints with stores at Ikeja, Mushin and other environs. The nature of my work is one that requires me to be here and there and frankly speaking, I barely fall ill, much less have any reason to go to the hospital. Not until, July 2012 when I took ill, I took some time off to get some rest with the hope I would get better afterwards, but that wasn’t the case, as my health conditions further worsened. I consulted doctors at the hospital who couldn’t explain the reason for my ill health, they suggested more tests for me. After much tests and procedures, I was diagnosed with liver cancer.
The doctor asked me how long I had been living with hepatitis C? I wondered why he would have asked such a question, because I was never ill before now, I told him I never had hepatitis C and explaining I have been hale and hearty before my present condition. He then announced I had liver cancer, a consequence of the underlying hepatitis C. I was in shock and denial for weeks.
Well, to cut the long story short, I was referred to an oncologist who saw to my health management, I have so far received treatment to shrink the tumors found. One has been fully shrinked, and the other has remarkably reduced. I also received treatment for the Hepatitis C infection, and I can confidently say I am leading a normal life today and running my business very well.
In our society today, there are still a lot of people who know little about Hepatitis infection and Liver cancer, I decided to share my experience to let people know that it is important to know your health status even if you look and feel well. It could really be a life saver, and even if you get diagnosed, it is no reason to go into depression.
Effective and effecient treatments are well available. Check into Emabal hospitals today, and get checked. Thank you.