So, we have been talking about breast cancer for a while now, the risk factors that predispose women to the disease, the symptoms to look out for on self-breast examination and the different types of breast cancers and their presentation. Today, we would be looking at a breast cancer case under our management and the treatment course so far.
So Mrs. Cynthia Adamu (not real name) presented to our clinic on the 24th of December, 2019 with a right breast mass of 1-year duration. On examination, the size of the mass was 30 x 30 cm which had rough edges and multiple ulcers. Here is a picture of the breast on presentation:

Since then, she had been placed on multiple courses of chemotherapy, of which she has been responding well to treatment, there has been immense recovery seen and she has been scheduled for further surgery.

Chemotherapy is basically treatment using drugs to kill cancerous cells. In this case, it has been our first line of treatment to help shrink the tumor, making the scheduled surgery procedure less invasive.

We consider Mrs. C.A. a lucky woman, this as a result of her late presentation and the aggravated assault the right breast had received from the cancerous cells, many other women have not been so lucky. She is alive and doing well today as a result of the intensive treatment she has received.
The message remains the same, if you notice something unusual about your beasts, don’t cover yourself up, say something, and consult your doctor. Prompt medical attention saves lives. Help is just a call away, breast cancer is not a death sentence, it is very well treatable.
Watch out for our subsequent posts as we bring you updates on the journey to full recovery of our patient. Thank you. For more information and enquiries, you can reach us on our Contact us page.