Could you be having Prostate Cancer?

Are you a middle aged or elderly man having difficulty urinating or recently noticed a reduced force in the stream of your urine? It might even be blood you see in your urine or semen and you are not sure what it might be and you are not really sure where to turn to? It might even be all these crowned with erectile dysfunction, not to worry, we have got some discussion to do.

You might have heard of prostate cancer but you are not sure what it is all about. Let us talk about it. Prostate cancer is basically cancer of the prostate. Continue reading “Could you be having Prostate Cancer?”

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Colorectal Cancer Overview and Indications

Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer found in the colon or rectum. It is also referred to as bowel cancer, colon cancer, or rectal cancer. The colon and rectum are in the lower portion of the digestive system. The colon is the large intestine and the rectum is the channel connecting the colon to the anus. The American Cancer Society predicts that 1 in 23 men and 1 in 25 women will develop colorectal cancer in their lifetime. Colorectal cancer remains the third most common cancer in the United States of America and is the second most common cause of deaths due to cancer.

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Testimonies from Prostate Cancer Survivors

Mr. Okorie’s prostate cancer experience started in 2009 at the age of 43. His weight loss had been complained about by his wife and she persuaded him to see the doctor. He had barely stepped into the four walls of a hospital in years, so the doctor advised him to undergo some screening upon finding nothing significant that explained his weight loss. He undertook the tests, and two weeks later he went for another blood test as the doctor summoned him. At this point, he feared something might be wrong, but his doctor reassured him that there was really nothing to fret about for the time being.

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Could you be having Prostate Cancer?

Are you a middle aged or elderly man having difficulty urinating or recently noticed a reduced force in the stream of your urine? It might even be blood you see in your urine or semen and you are not sure what it might be and you are not really sure where to turn to? It might even be all these crowned with erectile dysfunction, not to worry, we have got some discussion to do.

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World Cancer Day 2021: A recognition of the COVID‐19 heroes supporting and caring for cancer patients around the world

Since its founding in 1933, one of the main objectives of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) is to convene global leaders in cancer control—from treatment centers, researchers, patient groups, organizations carrying out diagnostics, screening and prevention programmes—to better fight cancer together. This also remains a core priority for the organization in these surreal times as we adapt to the COVID‐19 pandemic. COVID‐19 has presented huge challenges for cancer professionals, patients and cancer societies, globally. In 2020, a questionnaire‐based survey was conducted by UICC amongst 1200 members in 172 countries to better understand and assess the impact of the pandemic

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Breast Cancer Myths vs. Facts Part Two

MYTH: Breast cancer always causes a lump you can feel.
FACT: Breast cancer might not cause a lump, especially when it first develops.

People are sometimes under the impression that breast cancer always causes a lump that can be felt during a self-exam. They might use this as a reason to skip mammograms, thinking they’ll be able to feel any change that might indicate a problem. However, breast cancer doesn’t always cause a lump. By the time it does, the cancer might have already moved beyond the breast into the lymph nodes. Although performing breast self-exams is certainly a good idea, it isn’t a substitute for regular screening with mammography.

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You Can Survive Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a chestnut shaped gland located between the rectum and the throat of the bladder. It straddles the urethra with two lobes that reach around both sides of it. Muscle tissue in the lobes allows you to regulate the flow of urine and to stop it if necessary. The gland produces seminal fluid, the viscous fluid that carries semen during orgasm. Continue reading “You Can Survive Prostate Cancer”

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